The Weigh Down Diet was created by Gwen Shamblin, a Memphis, Tennesse, native, who received her undergraduate and graduate degrees in dietetics and nutrition respectively.
Shamblin worked for the University of Memphis and later the city of Memphis' Health Department in nutrition planning and instruction for several years. Because her focus was typically on those who desperately needed to lose weight permanently, Shamblin taught small classes and offered her program through audiotapes. The Weigh Down Diet Workshop began in 1986 and has experienced unprecedented success. Not only does Shamblin focus on nutrition, but she also ties in her strong faith in God and God's principals for healthy living. Followers have not only found success in weight loss, but they've also found success in battling addictions like smoking, drug, and alcohol abuse.
Weigh Down Diet
By the early 1990's, churches began hosting Weigh Down workshops and seminars, and this Bible based diet began exploding all over the country, becoming the focus of syndicated talk shows and being featured in widely read women's magazines, such as Good Housekeeping. As an answer to America's need to know more, Shamblin published The Weigh Down Diet in 1997, which immediately became a best-seller.
Just what drives the success of this diet for many who sing its praises? Success stories proclaim permanent weight loss and a more personal relationship with God. This diet focuses on teaching you how to eat for a better life. No more fasting to lose weight. Instead, you will enjoy eating, and you don't have to sacrifice the foods you love!
The Concept
The concept behind this diet is pretty simple. Shamblin wants to share her spiritual growth, so she invites you to give thanks for everything you have from God. This includes the tasty, nutritious foods that you eat. You are encouraged to eat only what you need to satisfy your hunger, but you can do this by eating foods that you truly enjoy.
For example, with fast food restaurants in abundance, it's sometimes hard to pass up that burger and fries. Participants in Weigh Down can still sink their teeth into a juicy burger, but they don't eat the whole thing! Here's how to enjoy your food and lose weight at the same time!
- Instead of eating everything on your plate, Shamblin urges dieters to cut their burger, steak, pizza, or any other food item into sections.
- Then, choose the best parts of that particular food to bite into.
- Take your time eating. Did you realize that you can inhale a burger in three or four large bites, or you can eat a fourth of that same burger in three or four small bites and experience the same enjoyment by chewing slowly and taking your time?
- Examine your food, and decide which portions look tastiest, then eat only those at the moment, saving the rest for a later meal.
- Use prayer to focus on positive aspects of your life and to ask for strength.
There are a variety of seminars that involve several weeks of participation in the Weigh Down Diet. These include the following:
- Exodus Out of Egypt- Teaches how to recognize God-given physical signals and how to find incredible freedom in your eating as you learn to follow God's perfect will regarding food and nutrition.
- Exodus Out of Egypt The Change Series- This is a youth oriented program that teaches kids to conquer the urge to eat even when they aren't hungry.
- Weigh Down Advanced-This is the next step in finding the strength to never overeat again.
- Exodus from Strongholds-This program has helped participants "permanently lay down cigarettes, alcohol abuse, financial abuse, marital problems, pornography, anger, gossip, and more.''
- The Last Exodus-The most recent addition to Weigh Down. It is geared towards teens and young adults
For more information, please visit the Weigh Down site. .